Tuesday, June 26, 2007

There is something appealing about small stream fishing. Don't get me wrong, my heart races every time I hook up to a Lower D redside, but moving amongst the rocks and brush, casting a simple adams behind boulders and next to logs, is different.

I love this stretch of water. It's not the easiest to find, and I've never seen another angler, but most importantly it's only open for two weeks a year. So, when the time comes, you do what you have to and get out there.

The cutthroat are small, but fiesty and aggressive. They aren't use to any pressure, so it becomes more of a challenge to seek out the bigger ones. Today, that was only 6 or 7 inches, which is a great time on a 0 weight.

Finally, I've done what I came up here for, and am ready to drive back and chase the girls around.


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